Option Basics

Start on your journey towards understanding options trading with our insightful free guides!  Learn the essential aspects, history, key players,  and terms.  Gain an understanding of options volatility, open interest and liquidity. 

Introduction to Options Volatility

Introduction to Options Volatility

The Importance of Options Volatility Implementing options trading strategies requires a deep understanding of options volatility. By considering factors like implied volatility, volatility skew, and market conditions, traders can make informed decisions and create...

Introduction to Index Options

Introduction to Index Options

Index Options Primer Index options are an important financial instrument that allows investors to profit from the movement of an underlying index without having to trade individual stocks. In this article, we will explore the definition and differences between index...

Key Terms in Options Trading

Key Terms in Options Trading

What is an Option Contract? An option contract is a financial derivative that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell the underlying asset at a predetermined price, known as the strike price, within a certain time period. The buyer can choose...